
Start a Foundation, they said! It will be fun, they said!

Welcome to Setting up a Foundation 101 at the school of Doing Things the Hard Way. There are few things as humbling as coming up with a million great ideas and not being able to execute them the way they had been envisioned.  After the Foundation ending Year One on a high with a presentation of "Bob's Funeral" at the Lightchasers Conference in Pincher Creek, Alberta in spring 2023, by late summer we realized our lofty Year Two goals had us on a path to self-destruction. Having zero experience running a Foundation meant the Board Members were all on a steep learning curve. We hadn't known of (let alone could we have predicted) the multitude of roadblocks we'd face building up our programming, and, like so many others before us, we made the mistake of trying to take on way too much, way too soon, with way too few people. It led to burn-out and accomplishing only a handful of the things we had intended to... and we crashed. Hard. Humbling outcomes aside, the Board de

Congratulations August 2023 50/50 Winner - Stacy Scandrett

Congratulations to Stacy Scandrett, whose image entitled "Parsley Ravager" took top spot this month. Here's what she had to say about her submission: "My parsley was decimated overnight and upon further inspection I found the offender... the hungry caterpillar himself! Caught in his path of destruction! I was amazed to see how he used his little clawed legs like grappling hooks to hold onto the leaves once I had magnified my perspective. To not disturb his meal, I laid on my stomach on the back garden patio and held my breath as I was only mere inches away from him. I really feel like he acknowledged my presence but maybe that is just wishful thinking.  Caterpillar - 1 Parsley - 0." Here are the scores... Hit Factor: 10 Power Factor: 8 And here's what Dara had to say about this image... "The lighting was perfectly diffused and the composition shows the caterpillar and its environment appropriately." You can find more of Stacy's work over on In

August 2023 Match Brief: Upon Closer Examination with Guest Judge Dara Ojo

August 2023 50/50 Challenge Full Match Brief Upon Closer Examination... “ Nothing is more humbling than to look with a strong magnifying glass at an insect so tiny that the naked eye sees only the barest speck and to discover that nevertheless it is sculpted and articulated and striped with the same care and imagination.”  ― Craig Rudolf Arnheim, Art Philosopher  “ The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close up.”  ― Chuck Palahniuk, author (Fight Club) “The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close up.” ― Chuck Palahniuk Contrary to popular belief, viewing the world from a “macro” perspective has little to do with looking at microscopic things with a magnifying glass and everything to do with observing small details to reveal, interpret, and understand the world we live in. If you’ve ever pondered the meaning of, “Can’t see the forest but for the trees,” this month’s challenge will spell it out in great detail. To read the tl:dr versi

Congratulations July 2023 50/50 winner Darlene Hildebrandt

Congratulations to Darlene Hildebrandt, winner of July 2023's 50/50 challenge A Shot in the Dark with guest Judge Monika Deviat. Darlene is an internationally-respected photographer and mentor who has been a supporter from the moment The Shooting Range: A Photography Challenge began, serving as one of our Season One Panel Judges in 2021. Darlene has spent the last couple of years becoming a strong ally to the Indigenous community and decided to throw her hat in the ring for this month's challenge with her image Totem Trickster . Be sure to check out Darlene's website and YouTube channel as well as give her a follow on her socials! Website  |  Instagram  |  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Gallery Totem Trickster Here's what Darlene had to say about this image: In many Indigenous stories and myths, the raven is a trickster – a foolish and childlike troublemaker. He is a shape-shifter and wanderer who can travel between the tangible world and the spiritual world. There are even

Say Hello to Dara Ojo!

Say hello to Dara Ojo, Rare Earth Outreach's Guest Judge for the August 2023 50/50 Challenge! The Match Brief drops August 1st, 2023, so until then we suggest you spend a little time getting to know this month's Guest Judge. This Nigerian-born native has spent many years living abroad, including time in the UK and China, and currently calls Canada home. His early years playing with a busted Nikon didn't translate to a passion for photography until the pandemic hit. With the planet at a dead standstill and left at the mercy of global restrictions on who and how and when we interacted with the world around us, Dara started (quite literally) looking at the world through a different lens: a macro lens! We look forward to helping you get to know more about Dara in the coming weeks and dropping the Match Brief on August 1, 2023, but if this little teaser leaves you wanting more, a quick Google search will bring back loads of videos, interviews, and accolades we just don't hav

July 2023 50/50 Challenge with Guest Judge Monika Deviat

“I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra “A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness.” ― Jean Genet MATCH BRIEF Historically, Indigenous peoples around the globe have treasured the night sky. The stars were used to navigate the land and sea while stories inspired by them were used to teach everything from science and natural law to spirituality and family history. Many of these stories have been lost or forgotten as a result of colonisation, which is why Cree knowledge-keeper Wilfred Buck has spent decades collecting and reconstructing long-lost star stories and teaching them to others, including his own community, and rekindling a passion for stargazing with events like Tipis and Telescopes. Not everyone loves being under a blanket of stars, though. Robbed of daylight, our senses heightened, we

Say Hello to Monika Deviat!

Monika Deviat is a force of nature who happens to love playing outside in nature, especially in the dark. In addition to being passionate about photography and teaching, she has made mentorship and inclusion a cornerstone of her personal business. Find out more about Monika by visiting her website, giving her a follow on her socials, and reading more below! Website | Instagram | Facebook What is the best (or worst) advice you have ever gotten (or given)? A lot of people deal with imposter syndrome, and I am one of those people. During a mentoring session regarding the business of fitness, a helpful piece of advice was given to me. It was about teaching, and I've been able to apply it in so many places. I was told that there are a lot of people that don't have the knowledge you have, and the way you explain something or share that knowledge can be unique and what actually helps someone with a concept. What was the last piece of equipment you bought or class you attended? Niko