July 2023 50/50 Challenge with Guest Judge Monika Deviat
“I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
“A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness.”
― Jean Genet
Historically, Indigenous peoples around the globe have treasured the night sky. The stars were used to navigate the land and sea while stories inspired by them were used to teach everything from science and natural law to spirituality and family history. Many of these stories have been lost or forgotten as a result of colonisation, which is why Cree knowledge-keeper Wilfred Buck has spent decades collecting and reconstructing long-lost star stories and teaching them to others, including his own community, and rekindling a passion for stargazing with events like Tipis and Telescopes.

We are really excited to see what you come up with for this month’s Brief, and kindly ask everyone to ask permission or obtain a permit for the location they’re shooting if needed and (most importantly) leave no trace by ensuring you stick to trails and packing in everything you packed out. Rare Earth also wishes to remind everyone how important safety is. Dress appropriately for the location, bring a headlamp or torch to light your way to/from your car and your location, be aware of and prepared for hazards like wildlife, bad weather, and trail closures, and make sure you tell someone where you are going. Lastly, we discourage photographers from geotagging - it robs people of the adventure of exploring and increases the likelihood of wilderness areas being over-visited by under-prepared adventurers who may not respect the land or understand the risks involved.
Your submission must a) be taken at night, b) feature an element of nature, and c) be accompanied by a brief statement explaining what you love about the night sky or include a link to your favourite star story, whether it’s one that you already knew or one that you learned while doing this challenge
Challengers, you have until 11:59 MST, July 21, 2023 to submit your entry. We encourage everyone to get out and create something new, but you are also welcome to dig through your archives and submit any image that fits the Brief. Visit www.theshootingrange.ca for FAQs and competition guidelines.
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