Congratulations August 2023 50/50 Winner - Stacy Scandrett

Congratulations to Stacy Scandrett, whose image entitled "Parsley Ravager" took top spot this month.

Here's what she had to say about her submission:

"My parsley was decimated overnight and upon further inspection I found the offender... the hungry caterpillar himself! Caught in his path of destruction! I was amazed to see how he used his little clawed legs like grappling hooks to hold onto the leaves once I had magnified my perspective. To not disturb his meal, I laid on my stomach on the back garden patio and held my breath as I was only mere inches away from him. I really feel like he acknowledged my presence but maybe that is just wishful thinking. 

Caterpillar - 1 Parsley - 0."

Here are the scores...

Hit Factor: 10
Power Factor: 8

And here's what Dara had to say about this image...
"The lighting was perfectly diffused and the composition shows the caterpillar and its environment appropriately."

You can find more of Stacy's work over on Instagram


Sadly, we only received two entries this month, but we want to celebrate this month's Runner Up, too! This image entitled "Perseverance" was created by David Marriott

This is what David had to say about his image:

"After a night of rain I decided to go out and try to capture some morning-after macro shots while everything was still wet. Unfortunately, the wind was howling and nothing would stay still enough to shoot. Continuing through the wet grasses and searching until I came across this bee...watching as he clung onto the stem, unable to fly due to being wet, trying not to get blown off in the wind. All I could think of was, that is perseverance!"

Here are the scores...

Hit Factor: 8
Power Factor: 7

And here's what Guest Judge Dara Ojo had to say about this image...

"Despite the challenges faced with the wind, the shot came out decent. However the lighting could be better. Overall great shot!"

Check out more of David's work here:


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