February 2023 50/50 Challenge: Love Stories for Every Body with Guest Judge Teri Hofford

Love Stories for Every Body 

with Guest Judge Teri Hofford

“No one wants to see curvy [people].” ~Karl Lagerfeld

“It can feel like we are drowning in self hatred because of our bodies, but it's not our bodies that are the problem. It’s what and how we have been TAUGHT about bodies that is the issue.” ~Teri Hofford



We’ve become so accustomed to the idea that only some bodies are worthy of acceptance, admiration, and representation that we shell out billions of dollars each and every year for products and services to “fix” the way they look. Bombarded with messages that intentionally undermine self-confidence by ensuring every body is judged as either (or both) too much/not enough, it’s only a matter of time before we start questioning if we are loved, let alone lovable.

This month’s Guest Judge thinks that’s a ripe load of BS.

Winnipeg-based photographer, author, and body positivity mentor Teri Hofford is a vocal advocate for changing the way people view, think, and feel about each and every part of their own and others’ bodies. Her message is simple: no body is too curvy/not curvy enough, too pale/not pale enough, too athletic/not athletic enough, too tall/not tall enough, too ethnic/not ethnic enough, too sexy/not sexy enough, it’s time to stop buying what you’re being sold.

For February’s Match Brief, “Tough Love Teri” invites us to not only unlearn what we’ve been taught about bodies, but clap back, by sharing Love Stories for Every Body.

The image you submit for this challenge must include a body that’s loved because (and not in spite) of divots, hollows, wrinkles, droops, bulges, dimples, freckles, handles, stains, pigments, scars, unruly hairs, and skinny, missing, or extra parts. And since Every Body is Beautiful, everybody is qualified to participate.

Shooters, you have until 11:59 MST, February 21, 2023 to submit your entry. We encourage you to get out and create something for this Brief by creating a new portrait of a body you love (your own or someone else’s) but you can submit any image you love, of any body you love, provided you have permission from the subject. Please read the Notes section regarding nudes/implied nudes and visit www.theshootingrange.ca for complete details!


Technical: portraiture, self-portraiture

Creative: celebrating the human body in all its shapes, sizes, states, abilities, and forms

EDI: self-esteem, representation, body positivity, changing dominant social and cultural narratives


Images for the Winner and two (2) Runners Up will be selected based on review of both Artist’s Statement and Technical Merit. The top three images will be scored based on Hit Factor (how well the image met the brief) and Power Factor (technical prowess, regardless of the equipment you’re using) and provided with a detailed written or oral (delivered via Zoom or similar platform) Critique from the Guest Judge.


Images may be cropped and shot in any size and orientation, but those with a 2:3 or 4:5 Landscape orientation will reproduce best in the Calendar.


Nudes/implied nudes may require editing by Rare Earth Outreach and The Shooting Range (blurring/blocking/cropping) to meet guidelines or restrictions for sharing “adult content” as defined by various social media platforms in their Community Standards.

Visit www.theshootingrange.ca for complete details. Or, go ahead and ENTER NOW


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