June 2023 50/50 Match Brief - Shine Your Own Light

Shine Your Own Light with Mag Hood 

 “Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us.” ~Jane Austen

"We live in a society that wants to label you with a color, sexuality, religion, or ethnicity. It divides us, but it also allows us to find pride in our identity." ~ Logan Browning


“Pride” is a term that has a conflicted history. A quick search for the meaning of the word brings back a mixed bag of quotes that on one hand applaud it and on the other shame it, making it difficult to discern whether being “proud” is a good thing or a bad thing.

This month’s Guest Judge Mag Hood is a firm believer that we should all honour ourselves and shine our own light from time to time. We should be proud of who we are, how we identify, who and how we love, what we have accomplished, why and how we do what we do, and embrace all the other wonderful things that we love about our unique selves.

Mag is inviting Challengers this month to be a little bit vulnerable and share what makes them personally feel pride. Some may wish to make a statement about identity, allyship, or diversity while others may want to celebrate an accomplishment they don’t often share (maybe you’re a champion gardener or design incredible hats - let’s see those prize-winning blooms and charming chapeaus!!!)  - and for those who are sometimes shy this may take a little (or a lot) of courage - but whatever you decide to submit, it should originate from your most authentic self and make your heart swell with esteem, self-love, and (of course) pride.

Your submission should include an image (preferably landscape orientation) of any subject and style of your choosing (portraiture, pets, nature, street photography, etc.) and must 1) be a compelling image based on its own technical merits with an emphasis on creative use of lighting and 2) be accompanied by a brief explanation of how and why it represents pride to you.

Challengers, you have until 11:59pm MST June 21, 2023 to submit your entry. Whether you venture out to create something new or ultimately end up submitting an image you’ve previously taken, we encourage you to get out and sink your creative teeth into this month’s Challenge!


Technical: standard merits (composition, focus, etc.)

Creative: dynamic, dramatic, or delicious lighting

EDI: pride, diversity, authenticity, vulnerability


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