March 2023 50/50 Guest Judge - Erika and Lanny of Two Mann Studios and 2MU

Rare Earth is pleased as punch to have (and maybe a little punch drunk in love with) the incredible team behind 2Mann joining The Shooting Range for its March 2023 Challenge. We can't reveal details of the Brief until March 1, so today you'll just have to settle with the always relatable, funny, and irreverent Erika & Lanny Mann, who have mentored, inspired, and schooled over 1000 students from 47 different countries with their honest, no bullsh*t approach to the matter of photography.

This dynamic duo is passionate about is addressing isms. Erika says, "One of the things that's particular relevant to the wedding field would be the idea of gendered language. Something we're trying to get better at is using more gender neutral language..." Rare Earth couldn't agree more. Transitioning to inclusive language ("couples" and "partners" and even "spousal unit" and "emotional support human") takes conscious effort, but practice makes perfect and in the end is so worth it.

Give them a follow or check for their tags on their socials to sign up for the 2sense newsletter, get news on upcoming speaking engagements and courses, and find out when you can submit your photo for a Drunk Critique, which is like Drunk History but different.

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In their own words...

What's the best (or worst) advice you've ever gotten?

Follow your passion and you'll never work a day in your life. Utter bullsh*t.

What was the last piece of equipment your bought or class you attended?

I (Erika) am attending a writing course on how to start and finish my book!

What is your most or how do you deal with your most challenging professional struggle? (Digital hoarding, perfectionism/over-thinking, time management, etc.)

Lanny - Perfectionism

Erika - Finding meaning in my work

If there was one thing you could change about the industry or an insider secret you think shouldn't be a secret, what would that be?

I think our industry is pretty darn awesome to be honest. If I could change one thing, it would be the odd person who feels the need to knock down other people's work.

What do you do to remain grounded, connected, balanced, and/or centred when life feels overwhelming?

Go for a walk or run.

What is something you haven't done or tried yet, either as a personal or professional goal, that you hope to achieve in the next year?

Writing a book! (Erika definitely wears the writing hat on this team and she's pretty killer at it...)

Who do you admire (professionally or personally), and why? Please feel free to include a link to their social media platform(s), an article or book they've written you'd like to recommend, etc.

You two, because you're hard workers and always striving to do what's right.

(Awwww... Thank you so much for believing in us. <3 Love, Billie & Hope, co-creators of The Shooting Range)

When and how did you know (or suspect) that you had found your calling as a creative?

I (Erika) would say I haven't found my calling as a creative. I haven't "found" my calling period. I have a whole newsletter about this, if you would like. 

(You can subscribe here for upcoming issues but if you ask we have no doubt we can help you get your hands on that specific newsletter...)

Do you have any advice to give (or that you wish someone else could give you) about maintaining work/life balance?

Ha! We're definitely not ones to be giving advice in this arena. But, my biggest advice would to strive for boundaries, not balance.

If "Today" you could go back and tell "Last Year" (or Month or Week) you something, what would it be?

Buckle up, it's going to be one hell of a year.


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