#seventhings January 7, 2023

Welcome to 2023, wherein we begin to expand the scope of #seventhings from reconciliation (listening and acknowledging) towards decolonisation (action and accountability.) Change begins with changing your mindset, and we hope the links provided before will help you set the tone for the New Year with a new way of thinking!

LEARN from lecturer and speaker Kevin Lamoureux why decolonisation is often met with fear or irritation, but should be viewed as a way of seeing the tools of oppression that affect all of us negatively and used as a healing gift that paves the road to a better world for future generations. 

 Media Indigena, a curated Twitter feed about decolonisation. (PS they also have a blog and podcast if reading or listening is more your jam... choose your preferred platform by clicking HERE.)

DISCOVER tools for integrating decolonisation in your daily thoughts and life.

LISTEN to these songs about resisting colonial erasure.

READ this blog post about decolonisation in the world of academia.

WATCH this TedX talk by Nikki Sanchez about how capitalism has colonised us all, and how regardless of whether you are a settler, immigrant, or visitor in Canada, history is not your fault but it is your responsibility to put in the work.

SUPPORT Speak With Pride, an organisation dedicated to the historical and traditional languages of Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit peoples in Canada. Find out which ones have gone or are going extinct, and what you can do to keep them alive.


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