January 2023 50/50 Match Brief - Wonder-full Whimsy-call with Guest Judge Joel Robison

Wonder-full Whimsy-call

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. 

Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” 

~Dr. Suess


The Shooting Range is thrilled (and a bit giddy) to officially kick off 2023 with a call to make the journey into a world full of whimsy and wonder with Guest Judge Joel Robison!

Rare Earth and TSR can state

It’s time for us to instigate

Your urge and need to demonstrate 

Ways to photo manipulate

Which may mean to accentuate 

The image that you generate 

With things that will illuminate 

Or levitate or animate,

Disintegrate or illustrate 

Or perhaps look like they might inflate. 

The winner needs to fabricate 

An image that will simulate 

(But not exactly replicate) 

The whimsy of your magistrate 

Such that some smiles will he make. 

The one who will decide your fate 

Has tools to get you out the gate.

That ought to help facilitate 

Developing the skills he’ll rate.

Joel will then deliberate 

and happily congratulate 

those who did not hesitate

To dive and to investigate

And submit before the closing date!!!

The ultimate goal this month is simple: create a fun image that invokes smiles and laughter. Whether you choose to approach this as an opportunity to create an epic portrait or selfie, a way of showing off your mad photo manipulation skills, an excuse to play with macro or forced perspective, or a combination of all three, your image should a) be clever and playful (satire, irony, and puns encouraged!) and b) blur the line between reality and fantasy. We suggest you begin your journey by first reflecting on things that make you smile or laugh (watch the video below!) and going from there!

And, if you need some tech support to make your idea come to life, Joel has several inspirational tutorials on YouTube and offers courses you can sign up for here. Given these resources, remember that there is a technical score to be handed out, so be sure to research not only your Guest Judge but tips on how to make composites work.

Shooters, you have until 11:59 MST January 21, 2023 to submit your entry. We encourage you to push yourself, but whether you end up submitting an image you previously created or something brand new, we hope you make some time to look for and experiment with wonder and whimsy for this month’s Challenge


TECHNICAL (HIT factor): portraiture/self portrait, digital photo manipulation; macro and/or forced perspective; 

CREATIVE (POWER factor): fun, humour, whimsical storytelling, play

EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSIVITY: personal reflection and expression, introspection, laughter, positive outlook, spreading joy


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