#SevenThings December 24, 2022

Whether you celebrate something at this time of year or just enjoy a few moments of connection during the collective pause granted at this time of year, there's no reason to be on the internet today. If you happen to be online and see this, the #seventhings you can do this week are:

FOLLOW your heart to wherever it will be welcomed and loved

DISCOVER new recipes to try out with (or on!) your company

LISTEN to amazing music, 24-7

READ a book you haven't had time to read

LEARN something new about your family's history

WATCH the joy on the faces of your loved ones while you spend time together

SUPPORT the people who have supported you in 2022, in whatever way you can

Rare Earth and The Shooting Range wish you happy holidays, a very Merry Christmas, a Prosperous Kwanzaa, a Blessed Hanukkah, a Festive Yule, a B*itchin' Boxing Day, a Fabulous Zarathosht Diso, and above all, many peaceful reunions with cherished and loved ones filled with laughter, love, and light.


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