#SevenThings December 10, 2022

This week's #seventhings is a little bit of something for everyone - science, technology, history, law, visual and performing arts, geneology, and weird history.

Watch Jaat Sdiihltl’lxa: Woman Who Returns Heather didn't know she was Haida until she was 16. After visiting Haida Gwaii many times over the next twenty years, Heather realized she wanted to join her clan and receive her Haida name. This film follows her journey home.

Follow Meryl McMaster, an award-winning photographer of nêhiyaw (Plains Cree), British and Dutch descent. Haunting, ethereal, beautiful. Her website is here.

Go give Meryl some love and if you happen to be in the Ottawa area, be sure to catch her exhibit at the Karsh Masson Gallery before her latest show, Entanglements, closes on January 15, 2023.

Nov 17, 2022 - Jan 15, 2023
Karsh Masson Gallery
Ottawa, Ontario
Karsh Masson Gallery

Learn about Lillian Eva Dyck (Cree; Chinese). She was a badass who grew up in small town Saskatchewan who went on to earn a PhD and eventually land a spot on the Canadian Senate. There's even a play based on her childhood.

Support live theatre by checking when Beargrease starring Crystle Lightning and MC Red Cloud is coming to a town near you!

Listen to Raven (De)Briefs, conversations between Indigenous thinkers, legal experts, organizers and community leaders exploring the shifting legal landscape upon which moments of crisis — and opportunity — are built.

Discover the world of "anthropozoological" exhibits - a term attributed to Carl Hagenbeck to describe displays of "savage aboriginals from exotic lands" - through the diary of Labrador Inuk Abraham Ulrikab telling the story of a decision he made in hopes of paying off family debt but becoming trapped in human zoos in Europe. This invitation comes with a warning - it's a deep dive that will introduce you to Europe's long-standing obsession with armchair anthropology, scientific racism, the bizarre field of phrenology, and more.

Read this article on Colonial v. Indigenous Science and Research. Be prepared to leave your Western "sciencism" attitude at the door... (and if you'd like to dig more, start checking out some Indigenous star stories...)


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