December 31, 2022

Most Indigenous and First Nations peoples around the globe observe the lunar New Year. Winter Solstice, which usually happens on or near December 21st, is when the "light returns" meaning the shortening of sunlight hours that began at Summer Solstice has ended and the days start getting longer and warmer. Since colonisation, many Indigenous communities have adopted the Colonial New Year on January 1st. In some parts of Canada, the Colonial New Year is nicknamed "handshake" day, as one travels from house to house or gathers with family and friends in a central place to share gratitude for the past year and wish each other good luck for the coming year.

As we say farewell to 2022, this week's #seventhings is an invitation to spend some time reflecting on the year that has passed instead of making resolutions (which are usually unrealistic goals most of us can't keep anyway.) Celebrate the return warmth and light by (re)connecting with friends. Take some time to share the things that you will remember most, and make a conscience decision to turn those thoughts, feelings, and experiences - good, bad, or indifferent - into catalysts for positive action in the coming Calendar year.

Who in the Indigenous community did you FOLLOW, and why?

Did you DISCOVER something new about the Indigenous community or about yourself in relationship to Indigeneity? Who taught or inspired you? How and where did you find it?

What or who did you LISTEN to in 2022 created or produced by Indigenous peoples? Did you discover a new podcast or blog?

What books or articles about Indigeneity did you READ? Did you enjoy it? Did you agree or disagree with what you read? Why or why not?

Did you LEARN a new Indigenous skill or language? How has learning this impacted you?

Think about any Indigenous-created or -focused plays, musical productions, documentaries, movies, short films, or Tiktoks you were able to WATCH. Would you recommend it to a friend? If yes, why? If not, why not?

What Indigenous causes or initiatives did you SUPPORT? Will you continue supporting them in the New Year? Will you get more involved for 2023? Or will you mix it up and look for a new group or cause to pour your energy and efforts into?

The Foundation wishes to shake virtual hands with each and every one of you who has supported us in 2022. We thank you for being here, and look forward to seeing what the New Year brings for all of us.

Happy New Year!!!


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