Cold Weather Shooting: Quick Tips from November 2022 Guest Judge Shane Turgeon

We've had a few complaints comments about how cold weather in some Canadian locations has made it difficult to shoot outdoors, some for technical or safety reasons, others because it's just plain cold! 

So, we reached out to Shane and asked him if he had any tips or tricks to share. Here's what he had to say:

"Oh yeah that’s a tricky one this time of year, especially with the last few days.

All I can really offer for advice is:
  • Bundle up! It’s so important to have good winter gear to stay warm
  • Invest in photography gloves where the pointer finger and thumb tips are removable
  • If you’re shooting on a tripod, use a remote shutter or shutter release cable to keep your fingers and hands warmer
  • You can use hand warmers wrapped around your battery with an elastic to prolong your battery life in extreme cold 
And lastly, the best pictures are often made from being uncomfortable and being in extreme elements. It might be hard but nothing good in life is easy and pushing ourselves through the cold can be very rewarding. Even if all you get is a sweet behind the scenes pic haha!

But I would also say, if you’re unprepared - either with gear or mentally - to go outside when it’s awful, stay indoors where it's cozy."


Connecting with nature isn't just being out in it. It's becoming aware of how and where it exists around and within you and your spaces. Chances are good you have all kinds of "nature" you can explore and enjoy from the warmth of your home, office, or even car - sure, the view from your windows... but what about the wood grains on your furniture? The paper you're reading from or writing on? Frosty windows, houseplants, and paintings and art and words depicting nature, the food you're eating, the water you're drinking, your non-human family members and companions... you're surrounded!

The more you make awareness a practice, the more connected you feel, and soon you won't be able to help yourself feeling gratitude for the variety and abundance of gifts nature gives us, each and every day.


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