The Other 364 Days

The true path to answering the 94 Calls to Action identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission means that we don't neatly fold up our Orange T-shirts and forget about it until next September. In fact, the real work begins between now

Today, and for the next 364 days, Rare Earth is challenging Canadians to make a personal commitment to learning something about the impact colonial settlers had on the Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit peoples who called the land we live on home for centuries before being subjected to the horrors of the Doctrine of Discovery.

Each week, to help you make every day Truth and Reconciliation Day, Rare Earth is going to post links to a selection of resources including articles, short stories, movies, podcasts, online courses, and more. That way, all you need to do is visit at least one link per day, share the link with a friend, colleague, or family member and/or post it on your favourite Social Media account and (this is the important part) invite others to join the conversation.


In addition to the links embedded in the text, here are suggestions for the Week of October 1st, 2022.

READ the story of how Phyllis Webstad's experience with being sent to a residential school sparked a movement and inspired Orange Shirt Day in 2013.

SIGN UP for Indigenous Canada, a FREE MOOC offered by the University of Alberta

LISTEN to this amazing podcast featuring the one and only Dr. Michael Kirlew

WATCH Angry Inuk, a documentary that exposes the truth behind the conflict over seal hunting

FOLLOW the amazing Taalrumiq | Christina on TikTok or Instagram for your daily dose of modern Indigenous designer Tuktoyaktuk joy...

CHECK OUT Indigenous Writes - the quintessential handbook for all things Indigenous - by Chelsea Vowel from your local library (or buy it if there are no copies available)

INVEST some time (and/or money) in a local Indigenous-led initiative by googling "indigenous organisation ~insert your location here~"


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