Why do I need EDI?

This is a fabulous question, and one that most companies and institutions across Canada (and around the globe!) have had to ask themselves in recent years. In fact, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI; alternately DEI) has become so vital to the ethics and safety of everything from small businesses and private industry to public institutions, education, and government that many organisations will only review resumes that include a personal EDI Statement. Several national and multi-national organisations now mandate doing business with companies who have EDI policies and practices in place, and Canadian funding agencies (including us) will not pay out grants, bursaries, and awards or provide sponsorship to applicants who have not addressed EDI in their submissions.

So now you may be wondering what EDI is, why it's important, how it factors in with Photographic Arts, and how it benefits you, your clients, and your community. We ask that you take a moment to reflect on the questions below:

Can I increase the diversity in my portfolio without monetising and/or tokenising marginalised or excluded groups or persons?

Should the Photographic Arts Community advocate for education meeting the unique needs of individuals identifying as BIPOC?

Do I need to revise my client materials to make them more inclusive?

The answer to all of the above is a resounding YES! And these are just a handful of the types of questions that persons engaged the Rare Earth Outreach community can begin learning about to understand how and why adopting EDI principles not only improves business practices, but actually makes the world around us a little better for everyone.

Ready to get started on your EDI journey? You've come to the right place. Rare Earth has seevral initiatives in the works that are tailored to the unique issues facing the Photographic Arts Community, and we are here to serve you.

What are you waiting for? Subscribe now and be the first to find out about upcoming competitions, volunteer opportunities, outreach programs, retreats, and more!


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