Say Hello to Serap Seker!

Creative Directors of Rare Earth's The Shooting Range: A Photography Challenge spend a ridiculous amount of time researching their Guest Judges to ensure they fit the following criteria: 1) they have a proven track record of being skilled in their genre, field, or area of expertise, 2) they must have experience as a teacher or mentor, and 3) they must meet the threshold of being passionate about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. 

When it was decided it was time to do a maternity, newborn, and family portraiture challenge, the search led to Serap Seker, a Türkiye-born Canadian maternity, newborn, and family photographer based in Guelph, Ontario, traditional home of the Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Peoples.

Serap, picked up a camera and walked away from a career in banking, and with the support of her partner, Volkan, has since photographed over 1500 babies in over 80 countries, worked with over 600 students from here and abroad, organized a conference with 17 speakers and 400 attendees from around the world, and established the Babies and Photographers Association and Awards. She and her partner also host destination workshops in London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, Oslo, Dubai, Istanbul, and more! 

We invite you to get to know Serap, add her on your social networks, and get ready for the Match Brief to launch (and find out what she has added to the cash prize!) on April 1, 2023.

#newbornphotographer #newborninstructor #newgenphotographers #babiesandphotographers #bpaawards

What's the best (or worst) advice you've ever gotten?

It's from the Mamba Mentality - Kobe Bryant: "A lot of people say they want to be great, but they're not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness. They have other concerns, whether important or not, and they spread themselves out. That's totally fine. After all, greatness is not for everybody."

What was the last piece of equipment your bought or class you attended?

I bought Canon R6 and have been taking courses from Dan Lok -

What is your most or how do you deal with your most challenging professional struggle? (Digital hoarding, perfectionism/over-thinking, time management, etc.)

As a newborn photographer and instructor, one of my most challenging professional struggles is keeping up with the industry's latest trends, techniques, and technologies. It can be overwhelming to stay on top of everything while managing a successful business and providing high-quality services to clients. To overcome this challenge, I prioritize continually educating myself and attending workshops, conferences, and training sessions to stay current. Additionally, networking with other professionals in the industry and sharing knowledge and experiences has been invaluable in my growth and development as a photographer and instructor. I also work with mentors, which is crucial to elevate my business and life.

If there was one thing you could change about the industry or an insider secret you think shouldn't be a secret, what would that be?

If there were one thing I could change about the industry, it would be to ensure that all photographers prioritize the safety and well-being of their subjects above all else. This is particularly important in newborn photography, where there is a risk of injury if proper safety measures are not taken. As an insider secret, many photographers heavily rely on editing software to create their final images. While editing can certainly enhance photos, it's important to remember that a great photo starts with a great capture in the camera. So, I would advise focusing on honing your photography skills and striving to capture the best possible images straight out of the camera rather than relying too heavily on post-processing.

What do you do to remain grounded, connected, balanced, and/or centred when life feels overwhelming?

As a professional and a human being, it's important to have strategies to maintain balance and emotional well-being. For me, self-care is crucial. That includes taking time for myself, whether reading a book, going for a walk, going to the gym, or spending quality time with my family. It also helps to have a support system, whether a close friend, a mentor or a therapist. And finally, I try to maintain perspective and remind myself of what's truly important in life. In the end, my family, my health, and my relationships matter most and keeping that in mind helps me stay centred and focused, even when life gets overwhelming.

What is something you haven't done or tried yet, either as a personal or professional goal, that you hope to achieve in the next year?

My biggest dream is to continue bringing the best instructors and photographers together worldwide through our NewGen conferences. But on a personal note, one thing I hope to achieve next year is to travel to a new destination I haven't been to before. Travelling has always been a passion of mine, and exploring new cultures and places allows me to return to my work feeling inspired and energized. It's important for me to continue growing and learning both personally and professionally, and travel is a great way to do that.

Who do you admire (professionally or personally), and why? Please feel free to include a link to their social media platform(s), an article or book they've written you'd like to recommend, etc.

As a newborn photographer and educator, I admire many people professionally and personally. One person who has had a great influence on me is Jasmine Star, a well-known photographer and business strategist. I admire her work ethic, determination, and willingness to share her knowledge and experience with others. She is an inspiration to many in the industry, and her social media presence, blog, and webinars are great resources for photographers and entrepreneurs. I highly recommend checking her out on Instagram and her website at

When and how did you know (or suspect) that you had found your calling as a creative?

As a former bank employee of 15 years, I made a bold move to follow my passion and transition into the world of newborn photography. Despite the challenges that came with leaving a secure job, I knew that working with babies was my true calling and have since found immense fulfillment in capturing the precious moments of families with their newest additions.

Do you have any advice to give (or that you wish someone else could give you) about maintaining work/life balance?

One piece of advice I would give to others is to set boundaries and stick to them. It's important to have designated work hours and also to make time for personal life and self-care. I also believe in delegating tasks and outsourcing when possible to avoid feeling overwhelmed. At the end of the day, it's important to remember that your mental and physical health should come first, and that taking care of yourself will ultimately benefit your work and those around you.

If "Today" you could go back and tell "Last Year" (or Month or Week) you something, what would it be?

Often, we doubt ourselves and our capabilities, which can hold us back from achieving our goals. Looking back on past experiences, we can see that we overcame challenges and accomplished things we never thought possible. So, if I could go back and tell "Last Year" me something, it would be to believe in myself and my potential and not to be afraid to take risks and pursue my passions. And made that newborn master class - you'll regret not doing it one year later :)


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